My Advice for Women in Their 20s and Beyond

June 25, 2024

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xx Alecia

Oh, the 20’s. Full of so much insecurity, adventure, memories, confusion, and if you do it right – heartbreak.

My 20s were mostly spent nursing and changing diapers but the same fears and doubts would creep into my psyche at 3 am, same as everyone else. While I think I will truly love every decade more than the last, there is something beautifully innocent and sweet about experiencing life in your 20s.

So I thought today I’d give some of my best advice to any female currently going through that beloved decade of their life and also use these as reminders to those of us in our 30s and 40s.

  1. You are already perfect. You will never be as physically perfect as you are now. Enjoy your body, no matter the size, enjoy your face, your features, and the things that make you, you. The beauty standards in this society are atrocious. Stop listening to them.
  2. Stop throwing away money chasing beauty. Refer to number one; you are already beautiful. The amount of money being thrown at botox treatments, fillers, injectables, and expensive skincare at an age where you are literally perfect is absolutely horrifying. Save that money for the future, or a house, or for traveling, or to invest. Setting yourself up for financial success is going to contribute far more to your happiness than some Botox will. 
  3. When people show you who they are, believe them. Period.
  4. Desperate energy will always attract the wrong kind of people. Be patient and learn how to love yourself, so you know how to be loved in return.
  5. Make getting to know yourself in every decade your number one priority. You will change often, don’t leave yourself behind.
  6. Get used to stepping outside of your comfort zone. Constantly try something new. This will serve you for the rest of your life. 
  7. Learn how to dress your body and ignore trends. Having a good style will take you far.
  8. Nobody is entitled to your energy. Spend it wisely on good people so that everyone can benefit from it greatly.
  9. No is a full sentence.
  10. You don’t have to do one thing forever. Explore, change your mind, try something new. Who cares what anyone else thinks? You’re not flighty, you’re smart and every experience is teaching you something about yourself.
  11. Travel as often as you can.
  12. You can live an amazing secure, comfortable, and luxurious life on a six-figure salary. Stop obsessing about the million mark.
  13. Quality over quantity in ALL things.
  14. Take care of your physical health. Find ways to move your body that you love and stick with it.
  15. Stick up for yourself. You won’t always be around someone who will.
  16. Learn how to have fun without alcohol or other stimulants. If you can’t you might find it’s a big crutch later on in life.
  17. Remember everyone’s life develops in its OWN time. You’re not behind, you’re not ahead, you’re not missing out – you’re exactly where you are supposed to be.
  18. Take the chance. Say the words. Declare your intentions. Going for what you want, even if it doesn’t pan out will never be something you regret.
  19. Be content with outgrowing spaces and people. Embrace it.
  20. Always tell people you love them, even when it’s hard. You might never get the chance again.
  21. If you feel depressed or sad, turn off your phone, take a walk, and eat a good meal. 99% of your problems will be solved by logging off and spending time unplugged.
  22. There’s a whole world that exists outside of your screen. Be a good parent to yourself and monitor how often you spend sucked into the digital world. 
  23. You are not broken, you are not damaged; you are merely a human having a human experience.
  24. The strongest of swords are forged in fire, you are no different.
  25. You are loved and wanted and even when you feel unwanted – you are valued, deeply.

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