Hair Growth Hacks: How to Get Your Mane Growing Like a Weed

December 26, 2022

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Listen up, folks! Your scalp is the foundation of your hair, and if you’re not taking care of it, you can kiss those luscious locks goodbye. That’s right, neglecting your scalp can lead to a whole host of hair problems, like dryness, dandruff, and even thinning. 


But don’t worry, there’s an easy fix! By taking care of your scalp, you can keep those hair follicles happy and healthy, leading to stronger, longer hair. And who doesn’t want that?

Here’s why scalp care is a must:

  1. Your scalp is home to thousands of hair follicles, and if it’s not in tip-top shape, those follicles can become clogged and lead to slowed hair growth or even hair loss. Ouch.
  2. Your scalp produces natural oils that help to nourish and moisturize your hair. If your scalp is dry, your hair will be too, leading to breakage and slowed growth. Keep that scalp hydrated, people!
  3. A healthy scalp can help to promote blood flow to the hair follicles, which is essential for healthy hair growth. Massaging your scalp can stimulate blood flow and nourish those hair follicles, leading to stronger, healthier hair.
  4. A clean scalp is crucial for healthy hair growth. If it’s dirty or clogged with excess oil and debris, it can lead to issues like dandruff and slowed hair growth. Regular shampooing and exfoliating can keep your scalp clean and healthy.

Let’s get into my personal hair growth routine that is affordable, easy, and literally, ANYONE can do it.

Step 1: Wash Less

Seriously, you don’t need to wash your hair every day or even every other day. It’s messing with your oil production and drying out your ends which can often stunt growth (due to product build up) and lead to lackluster dry locks – especially in winter months. 

I wash my hair on an average of 2 times every 10 days or so.

And yes, this includes me working out and getting sweaty. 

Washing less leads to shinier, healthier and stronger hair.

Step 2: Wash Correctly

When yo udo wash, be sure you’re doing it the right way.

Yes, believe it or not, you’ve probably been washing your hair wrong the entire time.

Shampoo TWICE!

The first cleanse gets all the product build up and crappola off of your locks. The second shampoo actually cleanses the scalp and helps restore volume and shine back to your roots. 

Trust me, you will see an immediate difference when you start this. 

Step 3: Don’t Waste Your Natural Oil

Do you remember that scene in Ever After (starring my celebrity twin Drew Barrymore) where she is having to brush her step – mother’s hair like 85 times before bed? 

This seems like just one more way to torture Cinderella but in actuality there is a lot of hair-care wisdom packed into that (not so cozy) scene.

The natural oil in your hair is like liquid gold that is super moisturizing not just for your roots but also your ends. 

By brushing it from roots to ends, you are spreading that oil down your hair strands and coating them with this luscious moisturizer keeping them shiny, healthy and protected from the elements. 

It’s like natures natural hair serum and shouldn’t be wasted.

So every night, take a boar bristle brush and brush out your hair while watching tv, reading a book – just whatever. Move that oil around your head and you’ll have much longer, stronger hair.

Step 4: Stimulate that scalp

After, I boar bristle brush, I then switch to my teaser brush and spend a few minutes combing out my hair with that. I really brush the scalp, which feels amazing, but is also helping stimulate the blood cells and hair follicles to keep them healthy so my hair continues to grow. 

This is like a head massage and honestly just feels so nice on the head, after a long day. This method is particularly soothing when you’ve had your hair in a ponytail and your head is a little sore.

I get happy chills just thinking about how relaxing it feels.

I like to do this every night, but if you can’t commit to that – just do it as often as possible. 

Step 5: Treat Your Scalp

Now, that you’ve washed correctly, are regularly stimulating that scalp – it’s time to give your scalp a little rub down.

I use an oil treatment the night before I plan on washing my hair. It’s a simple process with a lot of powerful results.

I simply part my hair down the middle and then 3 more times on each side of my head and drop a line of oil in that part. Once all the oil is done, I then massage the oil into my scalp, pin my hair up, let it sit overnight and then wash and condition the next morning. 

This also helps keep your scalp healthy and gives it a good dose of happy hair nutrients.

That’s it. That’s my routine. I believe in simplicity and being able to multitask and I don’t need one more long routine on my list of things to do in a day. So this is something so simple and easy to stick with – that really does pack a big punch.

But, before I go, here are some other random hair rules I live by that you can take or leave depending on your lifestyle and desired hair goals.

  • Don’t use heat too much. I usually only use heat 3-4 times per month and have learned to re-style my hair without using heat.
  • Find a dry shampoo you love but don’t create too much product build up all the time. Dowsing your hair in dry shampoo will actually create a lot of product build up that will stunt your hair growth. So find a good one, spray sparingly and really rub it in.
  • Don’t wear your hair up 2 days in a row. It’s kind of like wearing the same bra two days in a row – it stretches everything out. Wearing your hair up without a break in between, can really cause a lot of stress on the hair- especially around the hair line. So give it a break in between to rest.
  • On that same token, when you do wear your hair up, don’t make it super tight. Again, you’re putting a lot of stress on those fine hairs that dwell on your hair line and you will start to cause little bald spots of you aren’t careful.
  • Nothing is more beautiful than your natural hair. You don’t have to heat style your hair every day. Learn your hair’s natural texture and use the correct products for YOUR hair type. Watch YouTube, ask your hair stylist – get educated on your hair and what makes it look it’s best. Rock whatever the Universe blessed you with, when you were born. There’s nothing sexier.

If you want those luscious locks you’ve always dreamed of, you’ve gotta put in a little work. That’s right, maintaining a healthy hair growth routine is key to achieving the strong, healthy, and oh-so-gorgeous hair you deserve.

By taking care of your scalp, nourishing your hair with the right products, and incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine, you can give your hair the love it needs to grow and thrive. And trust me, it’ll be worth it when you’re strutting around with a mane to be reckoned with.

So don’t wait any longer to get the hair of your dreams – start implementing my hair growth tips today and watch your hair transform before your eyes! You won’t be disappointed.

**Full transparency, there are affiliate links included in this post. Meaning, if you click on my links, I will get a small compensation for referral. However, this does not change your final price in any way at all. This is simply a way to support this blog. All opinions and recommendations are my own and I do not recommend anything I haven’t bought, used and loved for myself.

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